By art born through the movement of the body
All my work is focused on ABC pillars
A rt of movement
B eat of body
C ulture
Schedule Appointment
All estimates are free and flexible according to classes and scheduling.
My commitment
I will only work with the best practices and techniques, always respecting the art of dance. As one old Russian master said, "You have to be at the service of art, not art at your service".
See my career
About Me
I started my professional career at the Municipal Theater in Rio de Janeiro, the largest South American ballet company at age 16, after having studied with the great Master Tatiana Leskova at the age of 12, where I was the first ballerina of her New Youth Ballet group and having won the International Festival of Ballet of Trujillo. Throughout my career of more than 30 years as a classical and contemporary first soloist dancer , I had the opportunity to dance the greatest ballets of the world-class repertoire such as Giselle, Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Coppélia, Les Sylphides , Paquita, Raymonda, La Bayadere, Carmen, Serenade, Blanc Suite, Napoli, The Rite of Spring (Nijinsky), Les Noces (Nijinska), Les Presages (Massine), La fille mal Gardée, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, La Sylphides among others, as well as many other contemporary ballets such as Concerto K622 of Lar Lubovitch, La Valse, Nascimento (David Parsons), Wolfgang (David Parsons), Concerto (Rodrigo Pederneiras - Corpo Group) among others. In these many years I have been fortunate to have worked with colleagues, choreographers, exponents of the world dance such as Tatiana Leskova, Áurea Hammerli, Cecília Kerche, Ana Botafogo , Jean Yves Lormeau, David Parsons, Natalia Makarova, Richard Cragun , Marcia Haydee, Julio Boca, Marcelo Gomes, Cyril Atanasoff, Paulo Szot, Manuel Legris, Élisabeth Platel, Svetlana Zakharova, Tiago Soares, Roberta Marques, among others.